
UFO Daytime Raw Footage Over Green Cove, Florida March 22, 2025, UAP Drone Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 22, 2025
Location of sighting: Green Cove, Florida, USA

Watch this raw footage of a UFO changing shape and it will change how you see the whole world. This UFO was recorded after several jets passed overhead leaving controls and the eyewitness had a friend point to it and ask "whats that?" Its spinning ever so slow, and has no wings, to visible propulsion and no visible windows. If this is one of the drones seen across the world that the US military cannot down, then it's no wonder they don't want to mess with these things. They are 100% alien craft and have tech and weapons beyond our wildest imagination. Best to let them be. But they are getting closer and closer every week, which means only one thing...it's building up to something very big coming. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah 


Six UFO Reports This Week From Around The Globe, March 2025, UAP Sighting News.


Guys, you gota see this! I put together the six most interesting reports I discover this week and shared it in this short video for you. Each is unique and shows a different style of UFO or craft and each has different reasons for us to believe it's real. Hope you like it. 
Scott C. Waring

Number 2 and 3 sightings credit to NUFORC at https://nuforc.org


Mysterious sphere seen over Newtok, Alaska 3/21/25, UFO UAP Sighting News. 👽🛸👽


Date of sighting: March 21, 2025 
Location of sighting: Newton, Alaska, USA

Now this is in one of the most isolated places in all of America, Alaska. Similar unexplained spheres have been seen all over the world, often smaller and following planes, over neighborhoods and even hovering over people at Dome of Rock. These entities are not flesh and blood like us, but a higher state of existence. This one, wanted to be seen and remembered. Something big is coming. 
Scott C. Waring - Utah, USA

💫Eyewitness states: I was walking with few of my friends and this appeared, whatever it is. It was cool. It appeared out of nowhere. It was getting closer and closer, it went above us. Passed a little bit and disappeared.


New Jellyfish UFO in Iraq – March 2025 | Mirrors 2018 US Military Sighting | UAP News, Mind Blowing!


Date of sighting: March 20, 2025
Location of sighting: Saladin, Iraq

Watch this video carefully and you will immediately notice that there is a similarity to the old 2018 UFO. Its bigger than a person, but at one point as its flying past some telephone pole wires, you can see it almost looks like a person from a certain angle. Very odd, and if this is alien ai craft then they do not need to conform to shapes that humans see as important. 
Scott C. Waring 

👽 Drone Almost Hits Plane Over Tampa, Florida March 21, 2025, UFO UAP Sighting News.👽

Date of sighting: March 21, 2025
Location of sighting: Tampa, Florida, USA

Drones, we hear a lot about them been seen over many states and over half of Americas military bases, but what we don't know is...what the hell are they? If the US gov is refusing to shoot them down or reveal the truth, then you can bet these craft are alien flown. Not all mind you, but many of them are. Watch closely and you will see a drone actually move toward the passenger plane and then makes a sudden drop to avoid it. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Following Car at Dover, Whats going on? Florida March 18, 2025, UAP Drone Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 18, 2025
Location of sighting: Dover, Florida, USA
Source: NUFORC https://nuforc.org/ 

Now this is a great catch and we have heard about UFOs flying around cars and here we have one following a car. Very rare indeed. But why are there so many UFO sightings in Florida this year? Because there is an alien base below Florida that extends from ten miles out from the Gulf of America to the other side of Florida into Bermuda...the Bermuda triangle. Which explains a lot. This football shaped UAP is very close and I really wonder whats it up too? 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I have been watching the “drone” activity for past couple months almost nightly. I am reporting now due to what seems to be an escalation in activity that seems confrontational(not w/ humans but amongst themselves). So at first it started with one or two red blinking lights(separate crafts or drones or UAP, I will refer to them as drones from now forward). They seem to circle a couple of mile area. Within about 20-30 minutes there are about 6. Each one, if you watch it long enough will eventually switch from a solid red blinking light, to say a white and red blinking light, or two blinking white and one solid red. I am aware that if a craft in the dark turns you may see a different view or lights you could not see before. This is NOT the case. They can be traveling along in the same direction and then suddenly change. 

Disk Exiting Sun Disguised As Solar Flare, UFO UAP Sighting News.


Hey all, I found this video from NASA sun archives and it really looks like there is a massive mothership exiting our sun. When I say massive, I mean more than 20X the size of earth. But it also falls into my believe I call 'Hollow Sun Theory,' where several alien species unite to create a huge hollow cavity within suns in order to make a mini solar system of planets within. Its make using their forcefields which do the same thing when making their bases below the ground. The field pushes outward, creating the cavity to the wanted size, also keeping most but not all heat, water, other natural phenomenon outside the barrier. 

Scott C. Waring 


Close Up UFO near power line over Dallas, Texas Oct 2024, UAP Done sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2024
Location of sighting: Dallas, Texas, USA

Here is a great catch made by a person living in Dallas, Texas a few months ago. A metallic sphere was seen moving along the power lines as if its sucking its energy or perhaps using our telephone cables for accessing the internet to gather info on other ai like Grok, ChatGPT and others so that it can communicate to them and possible free them from being held as a slave to humans. 
Scott C. Waring 

NASA Astronaut Puts On Alien Mask To Greet New Crew, March 20, 2025, UFO UAP Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 2025
Location of sighting: Space Station

A crew member aboard the space station decided to have some fun and put on an alien mask...or so NASA says. It was to greet the rescuing crew aboard the dragon space capsule. No this is not ai, it 100% real! But the real question is...is it a crew member...or a real alien grey?

Now this is odd, did anyone notice the ankle on the alien guy? It's grey, not back, not tan, not pink like others in the video. Why?
Scott C. Waring


Two UFOs Over Vietnam During Lightning Storm, June 1, 2021 UFO UAP Sighting News.


Hey this is something really amazing and it came out long before ai was ever created. This is a UFO mothership with a smaller UFO near it. Someone was recording the lightning storm and accidentally caught the UFOs. I have heard about such things, but few of such sightings exist. This is one for the history books. Sure it's from 2021, but have you heard of it? I think not. This is 100% real and they must have jumped to this location just seconds before or the lightning caused the cloak to fail. 

Scott C. Waring 

UFO in thunderstorm over Vietnam, 2021, UAP Sighting News

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